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Pour Over Fundamentals

Pour Over Fundamentals

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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WHEN: November 3 | 3-4p

WHERE: 105 S. Main. St. Owasso, OK 74055

Whether you’re completely new to pour overs or a fanatic who wants to produce better results, this in-person class will enhance your understanding of the slow pour method.

There are many different methods and equipment - but over time, we have combined methods to create what we believe to be the simplest, yet smoothest recipe. 

We'll cover :

+ equipment basics

+ pouring methods

+ brewing ratios

+ troubleshooting your brew

It seems simple, however it can be an involved process. This method is for the brewer who enjoys a slow morning process to create their cup. A pour over makes a very clean and smooth brew, but it does take patience.

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